Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Wonderful Wednesday

Yesterday was such blessing! It was a great day overall but the best
thing was to hear my husband preach. It is not so much that he preached,
it is the fact that God used his message. Often when the speaker says
that they will preach on "Salvation" as a Christian, your mind has the
tendency to wander. You know all about salvation - you're saved, why do
you need to hear this?

But as I sat there and the Lord convicted me that I need to listen - the
Lord laid on my heart that so often we say we are saved so we do not need
to listen but we also say that we can't witness to others because we do
not what to say. Why do we not what to say? Almost every Sunday morning,
we hear preaching on Salvation - we should have a plethora of verses in
which we can pull out at anytime in order to be effective witnesses.

I was really convicted of taking my notes and making sure I have a list of
verses so that I can be what God wants me to be.

It also was such a blessing because the Holy Spirit was there as Dylan
preached and while no one got saved, we are praying that God will work in
hearts and that the Lord will work on the hearts of our unsaved young
people. The young people of our church have a special place in our hearts
because we work with them as a young group. We are only the Assistants
but they have really imbedded themselves in our hearts and we love them
dearly and would love to see them all saved and serving God with all of
their hearts.