Thursday, February 08, 2007

The Great Example

I was studying Proverbs 15:18 - "The wrathful man stirreth up strife: but
he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife." When I read this, it occurred
to me that the Lord is speaking here about have meekness when we respond
to situations rather than responding with pride. This reiterated for me
that meekenss is a constant need. Circumstances in life are normally
responded with either pride or meekness. And when it comes to anger, it
is easy to see that the prideful or "old" man would stir up strife but
where the meek or "new" man would seek to appease it.

The word "appease" is quite a powerful word meaning "to make quiet; to
calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to still; to pacify; as, to appease
the tumult of the ocean or of the passions; to appease hunger or thirst."
When I read the definition, it struck me how this definition describe
everything Christ did while on the earth.

Christ made His ministry here on the earth to appease. He took our hunger
for peace and calm and gave his life for it. He made quiet our fears and
calmed the tumults of our circumstances.

What a wonderful example of what we as Christians are to be.