Friday, March 09, 2007

25th Anniversary

I know that it seems that I have disappeared but I was unable to post with fear that somehow my parents would find out about their surprise anniversary party. It was a wonderful party and it greatly honored my parents. We were thrilled to be able to put this one for my parents.

We took many pictures and they are here for your viewing pleasure. Hannah was unable to attend but Macy made it back from the Army ATI (a kind of tech school for the Army) just in time. (Yes, Macy enlisted in the Army and is part of the Army Reserves). It was nice to have everyone there but we certainly missed Hannah.

We did a full sit-down dinner for my parents because they had never really had one for their wedding. We wanted this to be bigger than anything they had ever had before. We had about 90 people attend.

Preparing for the party

Are they here yet?


25 years together