Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Beautiful Day

It is hard to believe but Spring has finally come around here! The Lord has been so good to us these past few weeks and it is wonderful to see His blessings.

Ben and Aubrie are doing quite well, learning and choosing to love each other and it is fun to watch. As a sister, it was kind of hard to believe my brother had fallen in love (he had said that such things were disgusting and he would never act "twitterpated" but it sure has happened!) but it has been fun to watch them plan for their future and for their wedding. It is such a huge blessing to have the Turners as part of our family - I will add pictures of our soon to be extended family soon. Aubrie is perfect for Ben and while this is not necessity she fits in quite well with all of us girls.

Dylan and I have both been quite busy. The Lord has truly blessed me with my wonderful husband. I have to often marvel at how undeserving I am to have someone who is so caring and thoughtful as He is. The Lord has also been blessing the fruit of his hands at work. While I can not tell all of the details due to the secrecy of what his company is planning, a large company came to my husband's company, Verety, and my husband's name was brought up as a person that should help deal with this large company. This company is so large in the United States that if Verety takes on this company, it will help it to grow and expand. Everything my husband has done with Verety has been hugely blessed by the Lord and he often asked now to do special projects which is such a blessing. It often makes me think of Joseph and the Lord blessed him. Not to make light of the story of the Joseph, but this situation just makes me think of it.

I will be "nannying" this summer for a couple that I had worked for 2 years ago. I had been their nanny for four years and thought it might be fun to see the children this summer. You will probably get a lot a pictures from our "outings" this summer.

Well, that's us in a nutshell for now. My parents are all doing well. Macy moved from Crookston, MN to Grand Forks, ND and now has a job with our Altru Hospital. Sarah will be the only one home once Ben gets married so I think she is trying to prepare for that. It is weird for her to be the only one home but maybe she'll get spoiled more that way. :-) And Hannah is a nanny in Minneapolis. Being a nanny kind of runs in the family, my mom did until my parents got married, I did until I got married, and now Hannah is doing it. It is such a unique experience.