Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas At Our House!

I haven't forgotten that promised birthday stuff but as you were waiting I thought you might enjoy our adventure of setting up the tree this year. Last year, we set the tree on our cedar chest so that you could see it out the window and because we have a precarious little one wandering around this year, we did the same.

Gracie thought setting up the tree was great fun and that she should help. Here is the result:

Dylan put the lights on the highest case you think we have a large tree, we don't :-)

This is why you never turn your back on Gracie! :-)

Dylan and I had just walked away after putting the tree up. We hadn't taken the step ladder away yet and I turned around and who had climbed it to take off the ornmanents?
"Baby Monster"

"Christmas trees are cool, Mom!"
She really does love the lights. The stepladder is away now but she loves the tree. She is also very good around it. She has been taught not to touch it and she doesn't. The first thing she does every morning though is point at it until you plug in the lights and then she loves for you to hold her close to the tree so she can point at everything on it.


Anonymous said...

Precious memories here!