Thursday, October 11, 2007

Her Bridegroom Cometh

Ben and Aubrie were married on October 8th, 2007. Just like the 14 virgins in the Bible waiting for their bridegroom, she also did not know when her bridegroom, Ben, was to come until the morning of the wedding. She had willingly prepared for herself for his coming and then waited.
Can we as Christians say that we are ready for Christ's coming?

Many may ask what on earth I mean that Aubrie did not know the wedding date. Well, Ben and Aubrie decided they wanted their wedding to be a picture of the Marriage Feast of the Lamb in the Bible.

It was not a traditional wedding but a Marriage Feast. The Jews normally do a wedding this way because it is a picture of Christ returning for His Bride, the Church, and bringing her to His Father for a Marriage Feast.

Ben and Aubrie's wedding did an excellent job in trying to create a heavenly picture in an earthly environment.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me and I will explain further but I didn't think that everyone wanted to read a long post! :-)

More pictures to come soon!


Rachel said...

Hey Rachael...this sounds soo neat!! I would love to hear about it, if you either want to post or if you could e-mail me. We are always on the lookout for unique, Christ-honoring wedding ideas. :)

Congratulations on gaining a new sister!

My e-mail is rachelhammett @ lvbaptist . org (remove spaces)

Mamaruti said...

Oh Racheal - so beautiful! I got tears in my eyes when I was reading/looking through pictures. As Rachel said, I would love to hear all about it...I loved the idea of waiting for her bridegroom. Congratulations on the new blessing you're expecting!