Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gracie's One Month Update

Gracie had her one-month well baby appointment today and it went extremely well. Her doctor loves her - he always says that she makes him want more babies!
She now weighs 7 pounds 8 ounces and is 19.5 inches long!

She is definitely a lot rounder than her appointments when she had her bout with jaundice. God has blessed us with a truly healthy baby.


Anonymous said...

Dylan & Rachael... Congratulations!
Little Gracie is sooooo Adorable!!
Rach, please tell your parents that we said Congratulations to them too!!! The Lord's Blessings are tremendous. God Blessed our Family with a Beautiful Boy last Fall, we named him, Noah. It's hard to believe how time has flown.. Continue to enjoy every moment with your Precious Little Girl... Praise the Lord for His Special Blessings!
Love, The Tippies :O)